Deleting a Shape

This section describes how to delete logical shapes.

Before you begin: Create or open a logical representation similar to that shown below in which a 2D component is represented by both a basic shape (cube, cylinder, sphere) and a detailed shape.
  1. In the 2D view, select the logical component.

    A balloon appears next to the logical component and the representations are highlighted.

    In this example the logical component zuw_Log B is represented by a basic shape (the large cylinder) and a detailed shape (the cube with a hole).

  2. In the balloon, click Delete Existing 3D Representation.

    The Delete Equipment Representation dialog box appears.

  3. In the AssociatedFrame area of the dialog box, select one of the equipment names in the list and then click Delete.

    The representation is deleted from the specification tree and removed from the 3D area.

Note: If the logical component does not have any associated 3D shapes, Delete Existing 3D Representation will not appear in the balloon.