Cross-highlighting Routable Components

This section describes how you can check the status of routable components by cross-highlighting these components between 2D and 3D.


  • If you cross-highlight an object which is part of a group (for example a net group or a cable), all the other objects in the group and the group itself will be cross-highlighted.
  • If you cross-highlight a group which is itself part of a higher level group, all other objects in the group and the higher level group itself will be cross-highlighted.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin:
  1. Create or open a logical description of your system with logical components, logical connections, shapes and pathways. Ensure that one of the logical components contains other logical components with logical connections.
  2. Click Tools > Routing and verify that Logical Cross Highlight is selected.

    (Logical Cross Highlight is the function which activates the cross highlighting of connections between the 2D and 3D views.)

Highlight a 2D Connection

This section describes how you can check the status of a 2D logical connection by highlighting the connection in the 3D view.

  1. In the 2D view or RFLP tree, select a logical connection which is not yet routed.

    In the 3D view:

    • The shapes at the ends of the logical connection are highlighted.

      Note: When a logical component is represented by more than one 3D shape, the first active and detailed shape found is highlighted.

    • A line representing the logical connection between the shapes appears.

  2. In the 2D view or RFLP tree, select a logical connection which is routed.

    In the 3D view:

    • The shapes at the ends of the logical connection are highlighted.
    • The pathway segments in the route are highlighted.

Select and Highlight Routable Components

This section describes how you can select and check the status of the routable components under a logical reference.

The routable components and the logical components to which they are connected are highlighted in the RFLP tree, the 2D view and the 3D view.

You have a choice between two methods of selecting the routable components.

  1. In the 2D view or RFLP tree, right-click a logical reference and then do one of the following:

    • Click Select Routables to select and highlight only the routable components directly under the logical reference.
    • Click Select All Routables to select and highlight the routable components under the logical reference plus all those in any sub-levels.

    If you clicked Select Routables... If you clicked Select All Routables...
    In the RFLP tree, only the routable components directly under the logical reference are highlighted. In the RFLP tree, the routable components directly under the logical reference plus all those in any sub-levels (here circled in red) are highlighted.

    The corresponding elements are also highlighted in the 2D view and the 3D view.

  2. When finished, click anywhere in the 3D view to unselect.