Once you are satisfied with the modifications, click Apply (Enter)
to validate them.
If you do not click on , a warning dialog box is displayed asking you whether you want to apply the modification before quitting the command or not. Click Yes to apply the modifications or click No to exit the command without applying the modifications.
Here are some general information about this command:
- During the modification, the selection of elements is previewed on
the surface.
- The modification is performed only after the selection is validated
by clicking Apply (Enter) and before leaving the modification
- When the modification is not possible, the Apply (Enter) button
is not active (grayed out)
- When extruding, cutting, subdividing or erasing a surface, you can validate the command by reselecting the same element again or by directly double-clicking the element (useful when no modification of the options is needed before the validation). This information is given in the help text in detailed mode and
this icon
appears next to the pointer. In case a
element can be validated but is not active, the Apply (Enter) button
is not active and no icon is displayed next to the
- You can undo or redo the changes only once the command has been
performed after Apply (Enter). Intermediate selection states
are not managed by the Undo / Redo commands.