Creating Corners

You can create a corner between two curves or between a point and a curve.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin: Create a 3D shape containing two curves or a point and a curve.

Create a Corner on Support

You can create a rounded corner of specified radius between two elements on the defined support.

  1. Click Corner in the Wireframe toolbar (Circle-Conic sub-toolbar).

    The Corner Definition dialog box appears.

  2. In the Corner Type list, select Corner On Support.

  3. In the Element 1 box, select a curve or a point as first reference element.

  4. In the Element 2 box, select a curve as second reference element.

    The corner will be created between these two references.

  5. In the Support box, select the surface.

    The support can be a surface or a plane.The resulting corner is a curve seen as an arc of circle lying on a support place or surface.

    • The reference elements must lie on this support, as well as the center of the circle defining the corner. Moreover, the laid elements must be connex.
    • In a power copy or user feature context, it is advised to valuate the Support field.

  6. Enter a Radius value.

    In the case of a curve as Element 1, note that:

    • all corners have the same radius
    • closed wires can be selected

  7. Click OK to create the corner.

    The corner (identified as is added to the specification tree.

Create a 3D Corner

You can create a 3D corner of specified radius between two elements.

  1. Click Corner .

    The Corner Definition dialog box appears.

  2. In the Corner Type list, select 3D Corner.

  3. In the Element 1 box, select a 3D curve or a point as first reference element.

  4. In the Element 2 box, select a 3D curve as second reference element.

    The corner will be created between these two references.

  5. Select an optional Direction.

    • If you select a direction, the corner will be computed according to this direction. You can clear the selection by selecting the Clear Selection contextual command.
    • If you do not select a direction, the optimal direction is computed.
    • If no direction is specified or if you select a direction from the contextual menu (

      Edit Components, X, Y,or Z Axis), a red arrow is displayed in the 3D geometry representing the direction.

    The resulting corner is a 3D curve seen as an arc of circle along the input Direction.

    Important: The input elements must not be collinear to the 3D Corner direction. Moreover, if the plane projection of an input element along the user input direction is singular or is self intersected, some corner solution might not be computed.

  6. Enter a Radius value.

    In the case of a curve as Element 1, note that:

    • all corners have the same radius

    • closed wires can be selected

  7. Click OK to create the corner.

    The corner (identified as is added to the specification tree.

    Important: Several solutions may be possible, so click Next Solution to move to another corner solution, or directly select the corner you want in the geometry.

Create a Corner on a Vertex

You can create a rounded corner of specified radius on vertex.

  • Select the Corner On Vertex option to create a corner by selecting, as Element 1 (Element 2 is grayed out):

    • a point

    • a curve:

Trim Elements

You can trim the elements.

  • Select the Trim element check buttons if you want to trim and assemble the two reference elements to the corner.

    Elements can be trimmed and assembled individually.