Intersecting Volumes

The material resulting from an intersection operation between two volumes is the material shared by these volumes.

Before you begin: Create a 3D shape containing three geometrical sets or ordered geometrical sets, with a volume in each set.

This is your initial data, the Intersect representation is composed of three geometrical sets:

Related Topics
Creating Volumes
  1. Click Intersect from the Volumes operations sub-toolbar.

    The Intersect dialog box opens and lets you determine the second volume you want to use.

  2. Select the volume to intersect (CloseSurface.3) in the Base object field.

  3. Select the volume to be intersected with (CloseSurface.1) in the Intersecting operand field.

  4. Select a destination body after which the intersected volume will be located.

    If the Geometrical Set or the Ordered Geometrical Set is current, the After field is valuated with the current body and will be located after its last feature.

  5. Click Preview to visualize the intersection.

  6. Click OK.

    The operation (identified as is added to the specification tree. The specification tree and the Intersect representation now look like this:

    • You can edit an Intersect feature and modify the volume to be intersected with. To do so, simply double-click the feature in the specification tree and select a new volume in the Intersecting operand field.
    • You can also swap the input volumes: right-click the Base object field and select the Swap operands contextual item. This capability only works when both volumes belong to the same geometrical set or ordered geometrical set.
    • Multi-selection is not possible.
    • Avoid using input elements that are tangent to each other since this may result in geometric instabilities in the tangency zone.