Click Volume Extrude
The Extruded Volume Definition dialog box appears.
Select the Profile to be extruded.
Specify the Direction of extrusion.
You can
select a line to take its orientation as the extrusion direction or
a plane to take its normal as extrusion direction.
You can
also specify the direction by means of X, Y, Z vector components by
using the contextual menu in the Direction field.
Specify the Limit Types of the extrusion.
Dimension values can also be specified with the up-to element. If
the dimension is set to 0mm, the extruded volume will be limited by
the specified up-to element. Otherwise, the resulted volume is
offset from the up-to element by this value.
Here we selected Point.1 and 70mm for Limit 1 and a plane and 80mm
for Limit 2.
You can also select different extrusion limits, for instance a
Dimension for Limit 1 and an Up-to element for Limit 2:
Click Mirrored Extent to
extrude the profile in the opposite direction using the same dimension
value as the one defined for the first dimension.
Reverse Direction or the red arrow in the 3D area to display
the extrusion on the other side of the selected profile.
Click OK
to create the volume.
The volume (identified as Volume is
added to the specification tree.