Click Cylinder
The Cylinder Surface Definition dialog box appears.
Select the Point that gives the center of the
circle to be extruded and specify the desired Direction of the
cylinder axis.
You can select a line to take its orientation as the direction or
a plane to take its normal as direction.
You can also specify the direction by means of X, Y,
Z vector components by using the contextual menu on the
Direction area.
Select the Radius of the cylinder.
Enter values or use the graphic manipulators to define
the start and end limits of the extrusion.
Select the Mirrored Extent check box to
extrude the circle in the opposite direction using the same length
value as the one defined for the first length.
Click Reverse Direction or the red arrow in
the 3D area to display the direction of the cylinder on the other
side of the selected point.
Click OK to create the surface.
The surface (identified as is added to the
specification tree.