System Tab

The System tab in the Properties dialog box lets you modify dimension system properties. It appears when you right-click a stacked or cumulated dimension system and then select Properties.

This dialog box contains controls for:

Dimension lines alignment

Offset mode

Select an offset mode. Note that the options available depend on the selected dimensions system type:

  • Constant: the offset between dimensions of a system remains constant and equal to the value defined in the Offset between dimensions field.

    Available for stacked dimension systems.

    Important: The offset between dimensions remains constant to the scale of the view as well. Consequently, if you modify the scale of a view and perform an alignment on the dimension system, the offset between dimensions is also modified so as to remain constant to the view's scale.
  • Free: the dimensions of a system can be moved independently. Available for stacked dimension systems and cumulated dimension systems.

Offset between dimensions

Enter the value of the offset between dimensions.

Dimension values alignment

Important: Chained dimension systems can only be centered.

Align cumulated dimension values

Select an option to specify how dimension values should be aligned for cumulated dimensions systems.

  • Reference line
  • Center
  • Opposite
  • From standard

In the image below, d is the Values Offset properties:

Align stacked dimension values

Select an option to specify how dimension values should be aligned for stacked dimensions systems.

  • Reference line
  • Center
  • Opposite

In the image below, d is the Values Offset properties:

Values Offset

Specify the distance between the alignment reference and the dimension value.

Important: In the standards, the Dimension Parameters parameter lets you specify whether cumulated dimensions are set with their value oriented along extension lines or dimension lines. The cumulated dimension behavior then differs depending on what you chose as the value orientation reference:
Automatically add a funnel

Select this check box if you want funnels to be automatically added to cumulated or stacked systems whenever a dimension value line-up is performed.

Important: In order to ensure a readable layout of dimensions values, the funnel shape properties width, height and angle are automatically computed. Therefore, if the Automatically add a funnel checkbox is selected then the Dimensions System Style values are ignored.

If you do not select this check box, you can add funnels manually via Edit > Properties or when creating the dimension system.