Align cumulated dimension values
Select an option to specify how dimension values should be aligned for
cumulated dimensions systems.
- Reference line
- Center
- Opposite
- From standard
In the image below, d is the Values Offset properties:
![Click to enlarge this image](../Id13DMasterImages/cumuldimalignNLS_s.gif)
Align stacked dimension values
Select an option to specify how dimension values should be aligned for
stacked dimensions systems.
- Reference line
- Center
- Opposite
In the image below, d is the Values Offset properties:
![Click to enlarge this image](../Id13DMasterImages/stackeddimalignNLS_s.gif)
Values Offset
Specify the distance between the alignment reference and the dimension
Automatically add a funnel
Select this check box if you want funnels to be automatically added to
cumulated or stacked systems whenever a dimension value line-up is performed.
If you do not select this check box, you can add funnels manually via
Edit > Properties or when creating the dimension system.