Capture Attributes Properties

The Capture Attributes lets you modify capture properties.

Capture Options

Defines whether the capture is set as current.
Clipping plane
Defines whether the capture clipping plane is displayed.
Stored active view
Defines whether the active annotation view is stored in the capture.
Manage the visibility of part instances, bodies and geometrical sets
Defines whether the visibility status of 3D shape instances, bodies and geometrical sets is kept in a capture.
Display in 3D
Creates a representation of the capture in the 3D. For more information, see the capture definition dialog box.
Hidden Text
Creates a tooltip for the capture in the specification tree and the capture callout. For more information, see the capture definition dialog box.
Append External File Content
Click this button to fill the Hidden Text field with the content of a text file.
Reset Field
Click this button to empty the Hidden Text field.