The Dialog box name dialog box appears when you select Flag Note or Flag Note with Leader.
This dialog box contains controls for:
By default, a number is displayed in the Name field and this number is incremented each time your are creating a Flag Note.
To add/apply a modification in a URL/Comment, press Enter when this field is active.
Displays the list of associated URL/Comment with the annotation.
URLs and comments are displayed in a tooltip when passing the cursor over the annotation in the geometry area.
Clicking More>> lets you define a hidden text which is displayed with the list of links in a tooltip when the mouse pointer stays on the Flag Note.
Defines a hidden text contained in the Flag Note.
This text is displayed in a tooltip when passing the cursor over the Flag Note in the geometry window.
Appends the text contained in a text file, there is no associativity when the text file content changes.
A Hidden text in a Flag Note is not extracted in drawing view.