Creating an Assembly Symmetry of Fasteners

You can create symmetries of spot fasteners and generate a symmetric product structure from an original one.

Before you begin: Open an existing product.
  1. Click Symmetry of fasteners .

    The Symmetric Reference Creation dialog box appears.

  2. Select the product to make symmetric either in the specification tree of the current assembly or click to browse it.

  3. Optional: Click to create an assembly symmetry and swap to the Assembly Symmetry workbench.

    This workbench offers a simple way to define the symmetry of an assembly using two windows as shown below:

    Through a dedicated set of commands, it allows you to choose the specifications of the symmetry for each object under the original product.

    Note: Most fasteners are symmetrical according to their axis which means that the symmetry of a spot fastener has the same 3D geometry as its original fastener. Therefore default specifications may not be the appropriate.

  4. Optional: Select the Symmetry Constraint Definition option to create a symmetry constraint.

  5. Optional: Select the reference plane to be used for the symmetry constraint.

  6. Click OK.

    The new symmetric product is created as a new reference and contains either:

    • a new fastener engineering connection and a new fastener instance with a new fastener reference if the symmetrical fastener is different from the original one
    • a new fastener engineering connection and a new fastener instance with the same fastener reference if the symmetrical fastener is the same as the original one

    Here is an example with a single spot:

    The below snapshot shows the product structure created by the Assembly Symmetry, i.e.:

    • the symmetrical original product
    • the symmetrical spot fastener instance and its associated engineering connection
    • the symmetry specifications
    • the additional enginnering connections (that insure the symmetrical position between the objects)

For further information about this functionality, refer to Assembly Design : Assembly Symmetry.