Identifying Duplicate Elements and Nodes

You can identify duplicate elements or duplicate nodes in a mesh. Duplicate elements are elements that share exactly the same nodes. Duplicate nodes are nodes that are coincident or very close.

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  1. In the Mesh Checkers toolbar, click Duplicate Elements or Duplicate Nodes .

    The corresponding dialog box appears.

  2. Optional: For duplicate nodes, enter a value in the Clearance box.

    The clearance is the value from which you decide that a node is considered as duplicate, that is to say that the clearance value defines the coincidence condition. The maximum value of clearance must be lower than the minimum edge length.

  3. Click Apply.

    The dialog box is updated and shows the number of duplicate elements or nodes, the number of sets containing duplicated elements or nodes.

    • Duplicate elements are highlighted in red, and other elements are highlighted in green.
    • Duplicate nodes are highlighted in red and the elements linked to a duplicate node are highlighted in light blue.

  4. Optional: Select the Autofocus check box to focus on the duplicate elements or nodes.

  5. Optional: Click the browse buttons to scan the duplicate elements or nodes.

  6. Optional: Select the Show information check box to display information about visible subsets.

  7. Optional: Click Select duplicate entity to display information about a duplicate element or node, and select a duplicate element or node.

  8. Optional: To export the information about the duplicate element or node, click Generate Report.

  9. Click Close.