Propagating an Existing Node Distribution

You can impose nodes by propagating an existing node distribution.

Before you begin: Enter the Surface Mesh workshop.
Related Topics
Creating Surface Meshes
  1. Click Distribution Propagation .

    The Distribution Propagation dialog box appears.

  2. In the Supports box, select the edges on which you want to propagate the node distribution.

    Multi-selection of edges is available except for non-manifold configurations (for example: multi-selection is not available for a T-configuration).

  3. In the Sources box, select the edges that have the distribution you want to propagate.

    Multi-selection is available for connected and manifold configurations.

  4. In the Mode list, select one of the following methods of distribution propagation:

    • Proportional to keep the relative distance between nodes.

    • Projection to keep the direction of the source/target vector normal to the target support.

    • Directional to keep the direction of the source/target vector parallel to a given direction.

  5. If you selected Directional, select an axis to specify the direction of the propagation.

  6. Click OK.