Distributing Nodes on an Edge

You can impose nodes by distributing them on a free or constrained edge.

Before you begin: Enter the Surface Mesh workshop.
Related Topics
Creating Surface Meshes
  1. In the 1D Mesh Specification sub-toolbar, click Edge Distribution .

    The Edge Distribution dialog box appears.

  2. Select the edge on which you want to impose nodes. You can select several edges only if they are continuous to each other.

  3. In the Type list, select one of the following distribution methods:

    • Uniform to distribute nodes on the selected edge with the same distance between nodes.
    • Arithmetic to distribute nodes on the selected edge with a distance between nodes defined by a common difference computed with parameters.
    • Geometric to distribute nodes on the selected edge with a distance between nodes defined by a common ratio computed with parameters.
    • User law to distribute nodes on the selected edge with a distance between nodes defined by a knowledge law previously defined in the Knowledge Advisor workbench.

  4. Define the distribution parameters.

    The list and number of parameters to define vary depending on the distribution method. For Uniform, Arithmetic, and Geometric distributions, select the parameters you want to use to define the distribution in the Defined by list.

    • For Uniform distributions, only one parameter among the following list is needed:
      • Number of edges to impose a specific number of elements along the selected edge.
      • Size to impose a mesh size on the selected edge.
    • For Arithmetic and Geometric distributions, two parameters among the four following parameters are required:
      • Number of edges to impose a specific number of elements along the selected edge.
      • Size ratio to impose a ratio between the size of the last and first edges in the distribution.
      • Size at node 1 to impose the size of the first edge in the distribution.
      • Size at node 2 to impose the size of the last edge in the distribution.
    • For User law distributions, the following parameters must be defined:
      • Number of edges to impose a specific number of elements along the selected edge.
      • Law to select the desired knowledge law.

  5. If you selected Arithmetic or Geometric, you can choose to distribute nodes symmetrically by selecting the Symmetric check box.

  6. If you selected User law, you can reverse the direction of the distribution by selecting the Reverse direction check box.

  7. Click OK.