Shear Panel Property

Shear panel property is a physical property assigned to a surface elements. This property can be applied only on linear quadrangle elements (QD4). A shear panel property references a material assigned to the surface part and describes a thickness associated to this surface part. A shear panel property is associative to the geometry this property points at.

Related Topics
Linear Quadrangle


  • Material
  • Thickness


  • Stress
  • Strain
  • Point force vector
  • Elastic energy
  • Elastic energy density
  • Estimated error

Position and Axis System

Those characteristics can be expressed at the given positions in the elements and in different axis systems:

Characteristics Position Axis System
Stress Nodes of element

Gauss Point

Strain Nodes of element

Gauss Point

Point force vector Nodes of element Global
Elastic energy Center of element  
Elastic energy density Center of element  
Estimated error Center of element