About Connection Points

Connection points serve to specify how mating devices and components are placed when making the electrical connection.

This page provides information that will help you understand and manage connection points.

Connection Point Placement using an Axis System

Placing connection points using an axis system is the recommended method.

A right-handed axis system is defined by default. You can, of course, define a left-handed system, but if you do so, take care to ensure that axis systems for mating connection points satisfy the same rule, i.e. mating connection points both have right-handed or left-handed systems.

When mating connectors are connected, X, Y and Z axes as well as axis system origins are superimposed to align mating connectors.

It is the X-axis that is used to position mating connectors. This axis must be correctly oriented. If the male connector has an X-axis protruding from the connector, the female connector must have an X-axis pointing inside the connector.

When adding connection points to mating connectors, you are advised to adopt the same convention throughout your design: all male connectors have a protruding X-axis and all female an inwards X-axis (or vice-versa).

For more information about defining axis systems, see Generative Shape Design User's Guide: Using Tools: Defining an Axis System.

Alternatively, you can place all connection points, except segment position points, using the Placing Connection Points Using the Advanced Method.

Connection Point Deletion

You can delete the connection points.

You can delete all types of connection points, except splice position and shell connection points. When deleting these points, the associated publications are also deleted.

However, the publications of the geometries which constrain their placement are NOT automatically deleted, since they may have been created earlier, in another application. These you can delete using the publication management available in the Assembly Design workbench (Tools > Publication).