Electrical 3D Installation File-based Design Import

This document provides information on how Electrical 3D Installation features are migrated in this release.

If some entities cannot be imported into V6, it is recommended to launch first the FBDI tool and then the post-process via Tools > Finalize Data Import in V6. The post-process allows to complete this migration in terms of:

  • unused Publication removal
  • protective coverings
  • supports

Related Topics
Importing Electrical Data
Version 5 Version 6
Geometrical bundle
Geometrical bundle Imported

Geometrical Bundle cannot be re-imported via the Update mode of FBDI and a warning is displayed.

Flexible product information

Flexibility information is lost; flexible assemblies are no longer used in V6.

Workaround: Run the Tools > Finalize Data Import command in V6 after importing geometrical bundles with mechanical constraints outside the bundle.

Note: There is no impact on geometrical bundles that do not have external mechanical constraints.

Splice Imported
Single bundle segments (CATParts)
Single bundle segments Imported as an electrical branch geometry
Bundle segment attributes Imported
Multi-branchable documents
Multi-branchable documents Imported.

Multi-branchable documents cannot be re-imported via the Update mode of FBDI and a warning is displayed.

Branch attributes and routing mode Imported
Branch curve or centerline Imported
Branch Point Imported as a Point on Curve
Multi-profile branches Imported
Bundle segment attributes Imported
Bundle segment geometry
  • Body containing Rib or Sweep is replaced.
  • GSM circular profile replaced by a sketch, if dedicated multi-profile branch option selected.
Bundle segment flexibility Imported
Electrical links at ends of bundle segments located in the same multi-branchable document and where ends are geometrically at the same location Imported
Distant Electrical links between two bundle segments Imported as Distant Links.

See Electrical 3D Installation User's Guide: Customizing: Electrical Geometry Management: Segment Connection.

Mechanical links at bundle segment ends both within the same CATPart and from one CATPart to other CATParts Imported
Electrical links at bundle segment ends between different multi-branchable documents with mechanical links Run the Tools > Finalize Data Import command in V6.
Bundle segment to device electrical link at bundle segment end with no mechanical link Imported but electrical links will be lost.
Bundle segment route
Bundle segment route Imported
Bundle segment route through adaptative support

Partially imported.

The link between segment diameter and adaptative support is lost. The support is no longer adaptative.

Workaround: Run the Tools > Finalize Data Import command in V6 after importing bundle segments with supports.

Local slack
Local slack Imported
Harness coverings
Regular protective covering attributes

Imported as protective coverings. They can be edited in V6: their extremities can be modified, their attributes can be changed.

But if a regular Protection is shared between 2 branches, it will be migrated as 2 different protective coverings on 2 branches.

Workaround: Run the Tools > Finalize Data Import command in V6 after importing protective coverings.

Regular protective covering attributes cannot be re-imported via the Update mode of FBDI and a warning is displayed.

Adjust relation on regular protective coverings Not imported
Light protective coverings (V5R18 onwards) and Adjust relation between them Imported
External tape can cover more than one branch and is adjusted to the segment with the maximum diameter of all segments covered Imported.

An external tape is imported in each internal tape protection that exist. Since these protections are independent from each other, they will be adjusted to the segment with the maximum diameter on the branch they cover. All segments are covered by the original external tape.

Similarly, if the V5 external tape is covered by another protection, its V6 internal protections will be adjusted to the same protection, if it is located under the same electrical branch geometry.

Elec_Text attribute on Protective Coverings Imported