To be able to handle the torsion of flat cable, the following information is needed:
These orientations are calculated by FLEX algorithm and can be retrieved from its result. This is why flat cables need to be designed with FLEX algorithm active. For more information, please refer to the Electrical 3D Installation User's Guide: Using the FLEX Algorithm. If you want to change the flat cable's orientation, you can use the Rotate command to define a new reference axis and / or a new rotation angle for each point. For more information, please refer to Electrical 3D Installation User's Guide: Working with Segments: Using the Rotate Command on Flat Cables. The difference between regular branches and flat cables is that the orientation can also be imposed by default in some cases (see table below). The orientation is defined by:
If the rotation angle is null, the reference axis is collinear to the flat cable Thickness (this is the default behavior):
*: The default rotation angle is 0 degree and the flat cable thickness is collinear to the reference axis. **: This reference line is automatically defined inside the first support's reference plane. It also corresponds to the internal X axis of the support. ***: If no tangency is defined (only in this case), orientation is not imposed, the flat cable is then free at this point.