More about Contact Constraints

Contact constraint can be created between either two elements. According to the elements you select, a single type of constraint is proposed to define the contact.

The following topics are discussed:

Related Topics
Creating Contact Constraints

More about the Constraint Command

Contact constraint can be created between either two elements.

These constraints are in priority:

  • Concentricity
  • Coincidence
  • Tangency

Use the contextual menu if you want to create other types of constraints.

Constraint Types

According to the elements you select, a single type of constraint is proposed to define the contact.

  • A point and a line: Coincidence
  • Two circles: Concentricity
  • Two lines: Coincidence
  • Two points: Coincidence
  • A line and a circle: Tangency
  • A point and any other element: Coincidence
  • Two curves (except circles and/or ellipses) : Tangency
  • Two curves and/or ellipses: Concentricity