Using Colors

Two types of colors may be applied to sketched elements.

These two types of colors correspond to colors illustrating:

Related Topics
Setting Constraints
Analyzing and Resolving Over-Constrained or Inconsistent Sketches

Graphical Properties

The colors used as graphical properties can be modified by using the Properties contextual command (Graphic tab).

By default, these colors are:

Gray: Construction Elements

Elements that are internal to, and only visualized by, the sketch are displayed in gray. They are used as positioning references.

These elements cannot be visualized in the 3D area and therefore cannot be used to generate solid primitives.

Yellow: Non-modifiable Elements

The yellow color is reserved for non-modifiable elements, for example, use edges, i.e. edges obtained by projections or intersections. You cannot modify the geometry of these elements unless you isolate them. For more information, see Isolating Projections and Intersections.

Orange: Selected Elements

A selected subgroup of elements is displayed in red or orange. (Select is similarly active).

Constraint Diagnosis

Colors that represent constraint diagnostics are colors that are imposed to elements whatever the graphical properties previously assigned to these elements and in accordance with given diagnostics. As a result, as soon as the diagnostic is solved, the element is assigned the color as defined in the Properties dialog box (Graphic tab).

By default, the colors used for constraint diagnoses are:

White: Under-Constrained Elements

Constrained geometry is displayed in white. All the relevant dimensions are satisfied but there are still some degrees of freedom remaining. For the purpose of the documentation, we have chosen to show under-constrained elements in black, as our application background color is white.

Brown: Non-Changed Elements

Some geometrical elements are over-defined or not-consistent. As a result, geometry that depends on the problematic area will not be recalculated.

Solution Remove one or more dimensional constraints.

Green: Fixed Elements

The geometry has been fixed using the Constraint Definition dialog box or the contextual menu (right mouse button).

Green: Iso-Constrained Elements

All the relevant dimensions are satisfied. The geometry is fixed and cannot be moved from its geometrical support.

Geometry before being moved:

Geometry after being moved:

Purple: Over-Constrained Elements

The dimensioning scheme is over-constrained: too many dimensions were applied to the geometry.

Solution Remove one or more dimensional constraints.

Red: Inconsistent Elements

At least one dimension value needs to be changed. This is also the case when elements are under-constrained and the system proposes values by defaults that do not lead to a solution.

Solution Add dimensions. Set dimension values properly.

Important: When leaving the Sketcher, the software only generates a warning message for inconsistent and over-constrained elements.