
Using an intuitive interface, DesignSightâ„¢ allows you to simulate the behavior of products in real world applications. You specify a few parameters to define the context in which the part is used, and DesignSight simulates the response of the part.

The DesignSight Basics Guide is intended for users who need to become quickly familiar with the DesignSight product.

DesignSightâ„¢ in a Nutshell

DesignSight offers three simulation methods to test different types of responses in your part:

  • Stress Simulations investigate the deformation and internal forces in a part or assembly under physical loads.
  • Thermal Simulations investigate the temperatures in a part subjected to various heating or cooling conditions.
  • Frequency Simulations determine the natural frequencies in a part or assembly.

Each simulation method provides a specific procedural template to guide you through the creation of a simulation.

Before Reading this Guide

Before reading this guide, you should be familiar with basic Version 6 concepts. Therefore, we recommend that you read the Infrastructure User's Guide that describes generic capabilities common to all Version 6 products. It also describes the general layout of Version 6 and the interoperability between workbenches.

The Simulation Navigator User's Guide, which discusses the management of simulation objects in your database, may offer additional useful information for DesignSight users.

Getting the Most Out of this Guide

This guide describes the basic components of the DesignSight interface that are common to all simulation methods, including user interface elements and universal simulation concepts. Focused descriptions for each simulation method, including the purpose of a method and the features and results available within it, are provided in separate, individual Method Guides.

The DesignSight workbench consists of multiple products; the availability of particular DesignSight methods depends on the products you have licensed at your site. Availability of Functionality at the end of this guide summarizes the methods, features, and results that are associated with each DesignSight product.

This guide includes video content in Flash format. To display these videos, you must use a 32-bit web browser.