Inserting a Behavior in an Existing Function/Logical Component

In order to add a behavior to an existing function or logical component, you can insert a new state logic or dynamic behavior representation.

Depending on your licenses, you can insert either:

  • a dynamic / context dynamic behavior (in a logical component)

    You need a Dynamic Behavior Modeling license to edit such behavior.

  • a state logic behavior (in a function or logical component)

    You need a State Logic Modeling license to edit such behavior.

Before you begin: Enter the VPM Functional Logical Editor workbench and create a logical component.

The scenario is identical when inserting a behavior in a function or a logical component.

  1. Select Insert a Logical Behavior from the Behaviors toolbar.

  2. From the RFLP structure tree or from the 2D graph representation, select a logical component.

    The Behavior dialog box appears.

  3. From the Logical Representation DS tab, enter a name for the behavior.

  4. In the Description field, type a short description text.

    This description will appear after the behavior name in the RFLP structure tree.

  5. Open the Behavior Model tab to select a modeling type.

    Warning: The modeling selection is different for a function or for a logical component.

    In a function, you can only use the state logic modeling.

    In a logical component, you can select:

    • State logic modeling
    • Dynamic modeling (Modelica)
    • Context dynamic modeling (Modelica)

    For more about these behavior types, read About behaviors.

  6. Click Finish to close the dialog box.

    The behavior representation is created under the selected logical component.

    It contains a node (MainBlock, MainModel or ContextModel) that represents the behavior.

    Also note that a behavior icon is inserted in the 2D representation of the logical component (at the bottom right).

  7. To edit the behavior within its workbench, you have two possibilities:

    1. Double-click the logical behavior representation from the RFLP structure tree (or its child node).
    2. Double-click the behavior icon from the 2D representation.