Exporting a Library to a Modelica File

You can export a library or a model to a Modelica file.

More precisely, you can export:

  • A library to an encrypted (.moe) or non-encrypted (.mo) Modelica file.
  • A model with its sub-classes to an encrypted (.moe) Modelica file.

    Note that a library is exported with its associated external resources (.html, .png, .mos...).

The resulting Modelica file can then be edited in Modelica softwares.

  1. Activate a library.

  2. Select Export a Modelica File from the Authoring toolbar.

    The Export to Modelica File dialog box appears.

  3. If you want to export:

    • The library itself, select the Export Library option.

      Tip: To export to an encrypted Modelica file, select the Encrypt exported data option.
    • The class with its dependencies, select the Export Total Class (with dependencies) option.

      Important: With this option, the Encrypt exported data option is automatically selected because it is not possible to export a total class to a non-encrypted total model.

  4. Click OK.

    The File Chooser dialog box appears.

  5. Browse to save your Modelica file(s) in the convenient folder.

    Important: Note that a new folder will be created at this location to contain the exported library.

    Tip: If need be, use the Make New Folder option.

  6. Click OK.

    • The Messages Reporting window appears to report the export status.
    • In the convenient folder, a new folder is created to store the exported Modelica file containing all the packages and external resources.