Working with the Component Browser

When a class is selected from the Package Browser, its components, connectors and extended classes are displayed in the Component Browser.

The model (components and connectors) contained in the active class is represented in the diagram layer.

In the displayed active class, note that:

  • The first level of the tree shows components directly declared in the active class.
  • The levels below show components that are extended from other classes.

This task shows you how to:

Re-order the Content

By default, the components are organized in the Component Browser as defined in the Modelica text. You can sort the components/connectors in the Component Browser, in an alphabetical or a reverse alphabetical order.

  1. Click Sort .

    Components/connectors are sorted in an alphabetical order.

  2. To sort in a reverse alphabetical order, click again Sort .

    Components/connectors are sorted in a reverse alphabetical order.

  3. To go back to the initial order, click a third time Sort .

    The classes are sorted in the initial order.

Use the Navigation History

The history of your navigation through models is kept and can be used to navigate in the Component Browser.

From the Package Browser, expand your library, activate a first class ("DoublePendulum"), then a second class "Magnetic".

  1. Click Previous Class to display the model previously visited ("DoublePendulum").

  2. Click Next Class to return to the model previously visited ("Magnetic").

  3. Click Recent Models to display the list of the last five classes you have previously visited.

  4. Click to activate a model in the list.