Transferring Ownership of a Catalog or Chapter

This task explains how to transfer ownership of a catalog or chapter.

Before you begin:

You must have ownership rights for the objects you intend to transfer.

  1. To transfer ownership of a Catalog, Chapter or Item, right-click the object to be transferred and select Transfer Ownership.

    The Transfer Ownership dialog box appears.

  2. Fill the identity fields for the owner to whom you are transferring ownership.

  3. To transfer ownership of selected objects, select the Selected Catalog propagation option.

    The Summary section will indicate the current content of objects for which ownership will be transferred.

  4. To transfer ownership of selected objects and recursively their child objects, select the Selected Catalog + Catalog Structure propagation option.

    The Summary section will indicate the current content of objects for which ownership will be transferred.

  5. To also transfer ownership of items under the selected objects, select the Catalog Content propagation option.

    The Summary section will indicate the current content of objects for which ownership will be transferred.

Note: To successfully transfer ownership, you must select one of the first two propagation options (the third one, Catalog Content, is optional).