Selecting Dates

When making an Advanced Search, you have the possibility for certain searches of selecting dates. This task explains how to select dates.

  1. Select an Attribute of type date (e.g. Creation Date or Last Modification).

  2. Select an Operator (if you are in Extended Search mode).

  3. Select a Value: Today, Yesterday or Select a date....

    If you choose Select a date..., the Select a Date dialog box appears.

  4. To select a day from the current month, click the corresponding day-of-the-month button.

  5. To change the month, click the box and select the month from the list or use the Previous and Next

    buttons to move to the previous month or to the next month.

  6. To change the year, enter the year in the box or use the spinner.

  7. Click OK

    to confirm.