Filtering Search Results

Search results can be filtered in mode Details by right-clicking any of the search result column headers.

You can:

This task shows you how to:

Add Search Filter

The following describes how to add a search results filter.

  1. Right-click one of the column headers and select Add Search Filter.

    An immersive dialog box appears.

  2. In the Contains list, select an operator.

    The available operators are:

    • Equals
    • Does not equal
    • Is greater than
    • Is greater than or equal to
    • Is less than
    • Is less than or equal
    • Begins with
    • Does not begin with
    • Ends with
    • Does not End with
    • Contains
    • Does not contains

  3. In the Value box after the selection button, enter a value.

  4. To refine the filter, you can select and deselect the displayed entries:

    • Click Invert Selection to select all entries that are unselected and to deselect all entries that are selected.
    • Click the selection box of an individual entry to invert the selection criteria (selected becomes unselected, unselected becomes selected).
    • Click Select All to select all entries.

  5. To activate the search filter, click Apply Filter .

    The search filter is activated. The search filter icon next to the column header title indicates that a search filter is applied.

  • Only works in detail view mode.
  • No persistency between sessions.
  • If you change display mode from Details to Tiles or Thumbnails, the search filter is maintained. However, if you change the mode to 3D Wall or Turntable, the search filter will be deactivated and all search results will be displayed.

Modify Search Filter

The following describes how to modify a search results filter.

  1. Right-click a column header containing a search filter and select Modify Search Filter.

    The immersive toolbar appears.

  2. Modify the operator and/or the value.

  3. To confirm, click the check.

    The search filter is modified and reapplied.

Remove Search Filter

The following describes how to remove a search results filter.

  • Right-click a column header containing a search filter and select Remove Search Filter.

    The search filter is removed. The search filter icon is removed from the column header.