Compass in a Search Results Window

The Compass in a Search Results window enables you to see detail information for a chosen object in the context of the chosen Compass quadrant.

  1. In the Search Results window, select an object.

    Note: In the below steps, the ENOVIA V6 connector has been selected as an example. For other connectors, the exact information displayed could be different.

  2. In the Compass, click North: People .

    A box appears containing the following object information:

    • object name
    • reference lock status
    • reference owner

  3. In the Compass, click West: Shape & Representation .

    A box appears containing the following object information:

    • object name
    • reference's modification date

  4. In the Compass, click South: Structure .

    A box appears containing the following object information:

    • object name
    • object type
    • extensions
    • reference version
    • reference maturity status


    • The Play button is not active in the Search Results dialog box.
    • No information is displayed for the East Quadrant in a 3DLive.