Bar Search

Semantic Search enables you to search for objects by defining search criteria for chosen object attributes. This tasks explains how to make a semantic search from the Bar.

  1. In the Search box of the Bar, enter a search string and click Search or click the selection arrow and select an item from your Search history.

    A list of all objects corresponding to your search criteria appears in the current tab page.

  2. If you want to keep the results, click the "+" tab to activate a new current tab page.

    • Searches made from the Bar are case sensitive or not conform to the case-sensitivity of your database server.
    • If you want the search result to include those objects in which the specified string is found somewhere after the beginning of the object name, then you must add the wildcard * in front of the specified string, e.g. *Chassis.
    • You can clear your Search history by clicking the selection arrow and clicking the line "Click here to clear history."

Defined Queries

Defined queries can be used to enter search criteria using the syntax definedtype_shortcut:searchstring, e.g. pc:searchstring to search for product configurations.

To see a list of all Defined Types for the application in which you are working, you must launch a query and then click the Others hyperlink in the Search Results Navigation area.

To see a defined query shortcut associated to a defined type, place the mouse over the link of the defined type.

To see a list of all defined types, click Help. You can see the defined query shortcuts associated to all defined types. You can also double-click an entry in order to launch a query for that defined type.

Note: The links to search on other defined types are only available for searches made from the Bar, they will not be available for searches made from the Advanced Search dialog box.

Tip: In the Search Results, for all attributes that include the notion of magnitude, the displayed value will also include the unit of measure (respecting the unit of measure currently defined in the Units settings).