About PLM Update

This section describes the PLM Update concepts.

Update All Icon

The Update All fulfils two functions.

  • Indicate the update status:
    • Deactivated, up-to-date.
    • Activated, not up-to-date.
    • Activated with a red cross mask, not up-to-date with an error.
    • Activated with a yellow triangle mask, not up-to-date with a warning.
    • Deactivated with a yellow triangle mask, up-to-date with a warning.
  • Run the update process when activated.

Update Status

The update status can be computed manually or automatically.

According to the Update status computation setting, the following behaviors are applied:

  • Manual: Each modification of your design in your session affecting or not the update status (engineering connections, Assembly features, contextual design, drawing views, etc), activates the update icon and removes update masks. In other words, each modification affecting the save process affects the update status too.
  • Automatic: The update status is recomputed after each design modification.


If you are a DS Passport customer, you can read the Knowledge Base for more information about engineering connection update status.

Update in PLM Relational Design

The update process is optimized to ignore any modification without consequence on data update.

This kind of modification is not propagated and update performance is optimized.

The update process result is relevant: when the icon is deactivated the design is up-to-date, otherwise inconsistencies are displayed. See Update behavior on errors.