Selecting Using a Filter

You can manage and customize the sub-geometry selection in order to avoid any ambiguity. The User Selection Filter toolbar is available in any workbench dealing with 3D Shape representations and Product documents.

This scenario takes the Generative Shape Design workbench as an example but the icons available in the About the User Selection Filter Toolbar toolbar depend on the workbench in which you are working. For detailed information on icons dedicated to a specific workbench, see the documentation of interest.

Before you begin:
  • You need a Generative Shape Design configuration to follow this scenario.
  • A Product containing a 3D Shape representation must be open and one or more features created.
  1. Open a document containing a geometrical set with at least one sketch.

  2. Select View > Toolbars > User Selection Filter.

    By default, all the icons are deactivated which means that no filter is applied but you can restrict the selection to specific element types by clicking the corresponding icons.

    • If you deselect a type, it cannot be selected in the geometry anymore unless all other types are deselected.
    • If you deselect a mode, it cannot be selected anymore for each active type unless other modes are deselected.
    • You cannot activate both filter modes simultaneously (it does not make sense anyway). Only two states are available: either Feature Element Filter or Geometrical Element Filter is activated, or both modes are deactivated.
    • If you select a filter mode then run a command requiring an element type incompatible with this filter, the filter mode's icon is grayed out and you cannot select the element. In that case, use the Reset Selection Filters command then select the relevant filter mode.

  3. Click Feature Element Filter .

    Depending on the filter you select, the following cursors are used:

    • When the selection is forbidden, the shape is used and this, whatever the filter you select.
    • When a filter other than Geometrical Element Filter (e.g. Feature Element Filter, Point Filter, etc.) is activated , the cursor shape is when pointing at an element and the hourglass is displayed after selecting the element.
    • When Geometrical Element Filter is activated, the cursor shape is when pointing at an element and the hourglass is also displayed after selecting the element.

  4. In the Surfaces toolbar, click Extrude .

  5. In the Extruded Surface Definition dialog box, select a profile and a direction.

    In our example, we select "Sketch 1" as the profile and xy plane as the direction.

  6. Click OK.

    The surface is created:

  7. In the Surfaces toolbar, click Offset .

  8. In the Offset Surface Definition dialog box, click Geometrical Element Filter .

    The Feature Element Filter mode is deactivated in the User Selection Filter toolbar.

  9. Select any face of the extruded surface.

  10. Enter 20mm as the offset value.

  11. Click OK.

    The surface is created:

  12. Double-click the extruded surface.

    Important: The Feature Element Filter mode is still deactivated.

  13. Select any edge of Sketch 2.

    An error message appears to indicate that an element of the part is no longer recognised and needs to be updated.

  14. Click OK.

  15. In the Extruded Surface Definition dialog box, click OK.

    The surface is created and an update is needed:

  16. In the Update Diagnosis dialog box, click Edit.

  17. Select the extruded surface of Sketch 2.

  18. In the Offset Surface Definition dialog box, click OK.

    The offset surface is created for Sketch 2.