Running Batches in Remote Mode

This section concentrates on running remote batches using the batch monitor.

You have already learnt how to run batches on your local machine.

However, certain batches are CPU-intensive, so in certain cases it may be advisable to distribute batch processing to optimize CPU time on the local machine. The batch monitor lets you submit certain batches on remote machines accessible on your net.

The batch monitor requires no external software as a prerequisite since it can work using the communications backbone packaged with the core V6 software.

For full details about the administration tasks involved in setting up both the local and remote machines using both implementations, refer to "Setting Up Batch Monitoring Using the Communications Backbone" in your Infrastructure Installation Guide.

Warning: Documents containing links to other documents (for example, CATProducts) cannot be processed in remote batch mode.

  1. Log onto the remote machine on which you want to run the batch.

  2. Start the server monitor as follows:

    1. Open a Command Prompt window and go to the following V6 installation folder, for example: C:\Program Files\Dassault Systemes\B207\intel_a\code\bin
    2. Run the command: catstart -run "CATBatSrvMonitorExe BB" A message will confirm that the BB service has been started.

  3. Log onto the local machine and start a V6 session.

  4. Select Tools > Utility to access the Batch Monitor.

  5. Select a batch which can be run on a remote machine (for example, the Downward Compatibility batch) by double-clicking it in the list.

  6. Fill in the inputs and options for your batch.

  7. Click on the Save button and save the XML file.

  8. Exit the Batch Monitor.

  9. Start a Command Prompt window.

  10. Launch: catstart -run "CATBatchStarter -input xmlFile -host remoteMachine" where "xmlFile" is the XML file you saved earleir and "remoteMachine" is the name of the batch server computer.