Accessing the Batch Monitor from the Command Line

You can run the CATUTIL command to access the Batch Monitor.

  1. Access the default installation folder:

    C:\Program Files\Dassault Systemes\Bn\OS_a\code\bin (where n is the current release number).

  2. Still in the default folder, run the command CATUTIL.

  3. In the Connect dialog box, enter a username and a password.

  4. Click OK to validate.

The Batch Monitor opens:

Tip: To use an environment file, launch CATUTIL with the catstart command using the -env and -direnv options: catstart -run CATUTIL -direnv env_dir -env env_file where env_dir is the name of the directory containing the environment file and env_file is the environment file. See Starting and Exiting V6: Starting a Session for more information.