Accessing the Navigation Tools

You can use the navigation assistant which manages transitions between different workbenches. The product structure contains a specification tree. The easiest way to navigate in the tree is by simply clicking on a branch. Double-click an object in the tree to activate the object-specific workbench.

Three situations are possible when navigating from one workbench to another. Depending on:

  • which workbench you come from
  • to which workbench you want to go
  • what you selected before navigating.

the navigation assistant will:

  • create a new workbench document in the current product structure
  • activate a different workbench in the product structure
  • create a new document for a different workbench.

  1. To navigate from one workbench to another, use the Welcome dialog box which appears when you start a session:

    This dialog box contains the icons for the workbenches belonging to the configurations and/or products you installed. The icon of the current workbench is highlighted (Part Design in the example above).

    Important: If you do not want to display this dialog box at the start of each session, clear the appropriate check box Do not show this dialog at startup.

    You can also access the workbench icons by:

    • Right-clicking the current workbench icon:

    • Selecting Start in the Bar:

    • The workbench names and the associated icons are displayed at the top of the menu.
    • The second area in the menu contains the list of the solutions containing the configurations/products you installed. These entries in turn provide yet another means of accessing the same product workbenches.
    • A check list lets you switch between windows.
    • The User Galaxy lets you access the Accessing the Dassault Systemes User Galaxy online information package accessible via html browser.

  2. To customize the list of workbench icons available, right-click any icon in any toolbar to display the Customize dialog box, or select Tools > Customize....

    The Favorites list contains the workbenches available on the Start menu, the Welcome dialog box and by right-clicking the current workbench icon.

  3. To remove icons from these locations, drag the icon name from the Favorites list and drop it on the Available list, or select the icon and click the left arrow.

  4. To add icons, do the reverse: drag them from the Available list and drop them onto the Favorites list, or select the icon and click the right arrow.

  5. Click Close to confirm.

    The Available list remains the same because it contains all available workbenches. The list varies according to the configurations and/or products installed.