Color Palette

The Color Palette lets you use the Color list and the Color chooser to select a color between the default colors available but it also lets you define your own customized colors.

Color List

Below are detailed the 16 colors available in Color list (from top to bottom):

Name # RGB Display
White 2 (255,255,255)

Yellow 26 (255,255,0)

Orange 42 (255,128,0)

Red 25 (255,0,0)

Salmon 17 (255,128,128)

Magenta 32 (255,0,255)

Violet 48 (128,0,255)

Blue 45 (0,0,255)

Dodger Blue 22 (0,128,255)

Cyan 29 (0,255,255)

Green 35 (0,255,0)

Dark Green 43 (0,128,0)

Sandy Brown 16 (211,178,125)

Maroon 33 (128,64,64)

Burgundy 41 (128,0,0)

Black 1 (0,0,0)

Color Chooser

Below are detailed the 48 colors available in the Basic Colors area of the Color chooser (among which 16 are provided in the Color list) from upper left corner to lower right corner:

Name # RGB Display
Black 1 (0,0,0)

White 2 (255,255,255)

Sandy Yellow 3 (255,190,71)

Golden Yellow 4 (250,190,71)

Orange Salmon 5 (242,162,87)

Pink Salmon 6 (234,132,102)

Light Lavender 7 (196,179,209)

Dark Lavender 8 (153,147,191)

Slate Blue 9 (131,170,214)

Sky Blue 10 (129,192,232)

Sea Green 11 (148,201,191)

Light Sea Green 12 (174,209,155)

Light Khaki Green 13 (191,205,144)

Dark Grey Green 14 (126,162,151)

Grey-28% 15 (193,196,192)

Sandy Brown 16 (211,178,125)

Salmon 17 (255,128,128)

Pale Yellow 18 (255,255,128)

Pale Green 19 (128,255,128)

Spring Green 20 (0,255,128)

Dark Slate Grey 21 (128,255,255)

Dodger Blue 22 (0,128,255)

Hot Pink 23 (255,128,192)

Orchid 24 (255,128,255)

Red 25 (255,0,0)

Yellow 26 (255,255,0)

Chartreuse 27 (128,255,0)

Blue Green 28 (0,255,64)

Cyan 29 (0,255,255)

Royal Blue 30 (0,128,192)

Dark Slate Blue 31 (128,128,192)

Magenta 32 (255,0,255)

Maroon 33 (128,64,64)

Pink Orange 34 (255,128,64)

Green 35 (0,255,0)

Teal 36 (0,128,128)

Blue Grey 37 (51,51,102)

Pale Blue 38 (128,128,255)

Plum 39 (128,0,64)

Light Purple 40 (255,0,128)

Burgundy 41 (128,0,0)

Orange 42 (255,128,0)

Dark Green 43 (0,128,0)

Aquamarine 44 (0,128,64)

Blue 45 (0,0,255)

Dark Blue 46 (0,0,160)

Purple 47 (128,0,128)

Violet 48 (128,0,255)

The 16 colors you can add in the Custom Colors area of the Color chooser are named as follows (from upper left corner to lower right corner):

Name #
Custom 1 1
Custom 2 2
Custom 3 3
Custom 4 4
Custom 5 5
Custom 6 6
Custom 7 7
Custom 8 8
Custom 9 9
Custom 10 10
Custom 11 11
Custom 12 12
Custom 13 13
Custom 14 14
Custom 15 15
Custom 16 16