OptionsBelow are detailed the various options you can use when running CATBatchStarter:
Not all these options are mandatory but if you want to use them all, the command line should look like this: CATBatchStarter -input parameterfile/-lib libName [-host hostname] [-driver MQ/BB] [-output directory] [-verbose] [-h] [-allow_visu] [-lic_setting] [-args arg1 arg2 arg3] LicensesBear in mind that licenses must be specified, whether in an XML parameter file, or through the -lic_setting option. To specify licences through the XML file, you can use the licfile tag to indicate the full path of a file containing the licence configuration. This file must be formatted as follows: BatchName|Lic1.prd|lic2.prd where BatchName is the name of the batch as given in the XML descriptor file and Lic1 and Lic2 are the requested licences. For instance: Export3DXML|MDE.prd This file can be used to specify the licences requested for several batches. In this case, write one line per batch: batch1|conf1.slt batch2|conf2.slt |