CATBatchStarter Options

You can run a batch via the command line with a list of options, just like you do with the CATUTIL command.


Below are detailed the various options you can use when running CATBatchStarter:

Options Use
-input Specifies the name and path of the XML parameter file.
-host Used when running a batch in remote mode to specify the name of the remote computer. Using this option implies that the parameter file contains the license information, otherwise the batch execution fails. Note that:
  • a batch monitor server process must run in the remote computer
  • the default environment used to run the batch is the batch monitor server process environment
  • the settings used to run the batch are those referenced by the batch monitor server process environment
  • if Version 5 documents are uploaded, created or modified on the remote computer, the links between documents are not kept
  • if Version 5 documents are accessed through the network by the remote machine, these documents and all their pointed documents used by the batch must be visible and accessible by the remote computer.
-driver Specifies the communication driver. By default, the backbone driver (BB) is used but you can used a MQ driver. When running the batch in local mode (i.e. no -host option), the communication driver is always BB and in that case, the -driver option is ignored. For more information, see Running Batches Using the Batch Monitor.
-output Specifies the directory where the batch log is stored. By default, it is stored in c:\temp.
-verbose Displays information about the batch execution in the standard output.
-h Displays a short help message.
-allow_visu Lets you run batches requiring a graphic adapter. If you try to run a batch requiring a graphic adapter without this option, the return code "7" is issued.
-lib Lets you specify a dll or a library where the batch main function (int argc, char** argv) is defined. Use this option with -args if you do not have an XML parameter file. This option is not compatible with -input
-lic_setting Specifies that the licenses defined through Tools > Options... > General > Licensing will be used.
-args Lets you specify arguments used with the batch main function (int argc, char** argv). This option must be in last position in the command line.

Not all these options are mandatory but if you want to use them all, the command line should look like this:

CATBatchStarter -input parameterfile/-lib libName [-host hostname] [-driver MQ/BB] [-output directory] [-verbose] [-h] [-allow_visu] [-lic_setting] [-args arg1 arg2 arg3]


Bear in mind that licenses must be specified, whether in an XML parameter file, or through the -lic_setting option.

To specify licences through the XML file, you can use the licfile tag to indicate the full path of a file containing the licence configuration. This file must be formatted as follows:


where BatchName is the name of the batch as given in the XML descriptor file and Lic1 and Lic2 are the requested licences. For instance:

Export3DXML|MDE.prd This file can be used to specify the licences requested for several batches. In this case, write one line per batch:

batch1|conf1.slt batch2|conf2.slt