About Toolbar Icons

You can observe two behaviors for toolbar icons: activation and deactivation.

In both cases, some workbenches are taken as examples but these behaviors are not specific to a workbench in particular.

Icon Activation

When you click or double-click an icon to run a command, the icon is highlighted to indicate that the command is active.

For instance, when you click Open in the Standard toolbar, the icon changes to the activation state identified by an orange color to indicate that the command is active. As soon as the command is over, the icon goes back to its original state.

However in some cases, double-clicking a command icon keeps the command activated. In the DMU Space Analysis workbench for instance, when you double-click Draw Circle in the DMU 2D Marker toolbar then draw a circle, the command remains active (i.e. like this ) after you have finished drawing the circle. If you click another command, Draw Circle is temporarily deactivated while the other command is active but as soon as the other command is over, the Draw Circle icon reappears in the activation state. In that case, just click the icon once to deactivate the command.

Icon Deactivation

When a command is started, running a second command may gray the first command you run if this second command is considered as a "sub-command" of the first one.

This can be the case, for instance, for contextual commands you can run from dialog boxes to value parameters. Therefore, as the first command is still running, its icon is grayed out to prevent you from running it again without ending the sub-command. As soon as the sub-command is over, the icon of the first command is not grayed out anymore.

For instance in the Generative Shape Design workbench, clicking Line in the Wireframe toolbar opens the Line Definition dalog box. In this dialog box, you have to select points and to do so, you can run contextual commands. When you run a contextual command, the Line icon is grayed out and will be activated only when the contextual command is over. The only way to cancel the Line command without ending the contextual command is to press Esc.