Default standards provided by Dassault Systèmes
can be customized using the interactive standard editor.
For detailed information on each type of standards, you have to refer to
the corresponding documentation. These default standards are dispatched
in several categories:
General parameters including:
- Attributes for layers and filters in
- CATStdLayersAndFilters.xml and CATStdTypeLayerAndFilter.xml for
- CATDftStdLayersAndFilters.xml for CATDrawings.
- Attributes for line thickness in CATStdLineThickness.xml.
Note that these attributes are relevant for CATDrawings
- Aerospace SheetMetal Design parameters in
AerospaceSheetMetalDesign.xml. For detailed information, see Aerospace SheetMetal Design User's Guide:
Administration Tasks.
Drafting parameters: as far as CATDrawings are
concerned, the use and administration of their specific standards
is detailed in Interactive Drafting User's Guide:
DXF/DWG Interface parameters: see Data Exchange Interfaces User's Guide: Administration Tasks.
Generative parameters: see Generative
Drafting User's Guide: Administration.
Thread parameters: see Part Design User's Guide:
Administration: Creating Thread Standards.
As far as default standards are concerned, their file name cannot be
Prior to modifying standards, you must:
- Set the CATCollectionStandard environment variable to identify the location where your customized standards will be saved. For more information about setting environment variables, see Installation and Deployment Guide: Common Installation and Administration Tools: Managing Environments: Customizing Your Environment.
- Run V6 in administration mode.