Pasting Solid Objects Using the
Specification Tree
Solids pasted As Result With Link are identified by a specific symbol in the specification tree.
As Result With Link
- When opening a document containing a body pasted As Result
With Link, the corresponding symbol displayed in the
specification tree is
. This
symbol means that the pointed document has been found but not loaded.
To correct this, right-click the object in the tree then select Load, or select
then click Open
pointed component. The symbol will then change to
indicate that the object has been copied from a document different from
the document it has been pasted to and that it is synchronized with its
After this synchronization step, the document containing the body
pasted As Result With Link needs to be updated to
integrate the changes from the pasted body. This update requires
to open the document first and then, to update it.
If the updated document contains also a body pasted As
Result With Link in another document, the same mechanism
applies to the latter, i.e. synchronization step then, a second
update of the document.
- If you deactivate a solid pasted As Result With Link,
its symbol in the specification tree changes from
to indicate that the external
link is deactivated (the solid is isolated just like a datum) but not
the geometry.
- When a feature is pasted As Result With Link, the color
(if any) is kept. However, note that this color is not considered as a
synchronizable information: the color is only copied when the feature
is pasted and therefore, you will not be able to update it if the color
of the original feature is modified.
Pasting Surface Objects Using the
Specification Tree
The type of the surface object to be pasted as well as the paste location you select have an impact on the paste result when pasting As specified or As Result/As Result With Link.
As specified in Part document
- Elements aggregated by a geometrical feature cannot be pasted As specified. In the example below:
If you copy
"Split.2" then paste it onto "Geometrical Set.2", the
Special dialog box only displays As Result and
As Result With Link. The reason is that "Split.2" is not
an autonomous element and belongs to "Split.1". However, if you copy
"Split.1" with "Split.2", you can paste both
elements As specified because "Split.1" and "Split.2" are considered as a single
If you copy then paste "Split.1"
As Result
(or As Result With Link),
only "Split.1" is pasted.
- If you copy an internal import As specified, you will
generate an import (internal or external according to the target
document) of the original import's reference.
As Result/As Result With Link
- is an explicit action.
As a consequence, a feature pasted As Result With Link
can be
pasted as an external reference but will always appear in Show
mode, even if theCreate external references in Show mode
check box is not selected in .
- When a feature is pasted As Result with Link,
the color (if any) is kept. However, this color
is not considered as a synchronizable information: the
color is only copied when the feature is pasted and
therefore, you will not be able to update it if the color
of the original feature is modified.
- If a surface or wireframe feature has been
renamed via prior to copying,
this feature is pasted as "Result of SurfaceUserName" when using
As Result or As Result With Link,
and as
"Copy of SurfaceUserName" when using
As specified in Part
only when the In
the main object check box is selected in
. This "Copy of ..." or "Result of ..." prefix is used
only if the document in which the element is pasted already contains a
feature renamed "SurfaceUserName". If the name "Copy of
SurfaceUserName" conflicts with the name of an existing feature, the
system will try to name the pasted feature "Copy (2) of SurfaceUserName" and if this new name is already used, it will try
"Copy (3) of SurfaceUserName" and so on. If you paste in
an empty CATPart, the name "SurfaceUserName" does not conflict
with any other name and thus, can be kept as is. When the No name check
or Under the same tree node check box is selected, no prefix is
- If you copy then paste As
Result a surface element which is not a point, a line, a surface or
a plane, the result will be a line, a curve, a circle or a surface
according to the geometrical dimension and the type of the element. In the example below, when "Split.1" is copied then pasted
As Result onto "Part1", the resulting element is a surface ("Surface.2"
in the example below):
- If the dimension cannot be determined (this is the case for features
containing several geometrical domains with a different dimension such as
a point and a line or a line and a plane), the result is a 3D datum. In
the example below, when "Intersect.1" (which contains a point and a line)
is copied then pasted As Result (or
As Result With Link) onto "Part1", the
resulting element is a 3D datum representing a surface, a curve and a
- If you copy then paste As Result With Link
a surface element which is not a point, a line, a surface or a plane,
then the result is a curve or a surface according to the geometrical
dimension. The result can be neither a line, nor a circle because it is not possible
to synchronize a line or a circle with a general curve.
- Pasting a geometrical set As Result is recursive, i.e. all the
elements located below the geometrical set are also be pasted. In the example
below, when copying "Geometrical Set.1" As Result ...
... then pasting it onto "Part1", the
resulting copy (named "Geometrical Set.1") contains all the
elements included in "Geometrical Set.1" and "Point.1" has been
incremented to "Point.2":
If the In the main
check box is
selected in , the "Result of"
prefix is added to the copy. In our example, it
would be "Result of Geometrical Set.1".
Pasting Sub-elements
Specific rules are applied when using the Copy
command on sub-elements before pasting them.
- If you select a sub-element such as a face, an edge or a vertex in
the geometry then copy it, the copy will include the first element that
can be copied and not only the sub-element itself.
For instance, if you copy a face of a pad, the whole pad will be included
in the copy.
- You cannot copy a publication of a sub-element (edge, face or
vertex). If you try to do so, an error message will appear.
Pasting Contextual Links
The Copy
command always uses the publication at the highest level when
copying contextual links.
In the picture below, for instance,
when the external reference named "Point.2" is created, its path
is ..!Product!Point.2 and not