More About the CoexistenceAdministration Batch

This section provides background information about the CoexistenceAdministration batch.

Propagate Mode

The propagation capability lets you apply the Ownership transfer or the Delete operation to the children of the objects selected through the ENOVIA V6 provider.

The propagation capability provides the following two options:

  • Propagation depth
  • Propagate to all children

Propagation depth

The propagation depth lets you apply or not the operation to the children of the selected objects.

  • By default, the depth value is set to 0 which means that the operation is not propagated to the children. Only the selected objects are processed.

    In the example below, V6 Product is selected. Therefore, the operation will be applied to V6 Product only:

  • If the depth value is set to 1, the operation is applied to the selected objects and to their children at first level.

    In the example below, V6 Product is selected. Therefore, the operation will be applied to V6 Product and to instances and representation instances (if a mapping is associated to them):

  • If the depth value is set to 2, the operation is applied to the selected objects and to their children at second level.

    In the example below, V6 Product is selected. Therefore, the operation will be applied to V6 Product, to instances and representation instances (if a mapping is associated to them), but also to references and representations:

Propagate to all children

The Propagate to all children option lets you apply the operation to the selected objects and to all their children, whatever their level in the hierarchy.

In the example below, V6 Product is selected and the Propagate to all children option is activated. Therefore, the operation will be applied to V6 Product and to all its children down to the deepest level in the hierarchy. All instances and representation instances will also be processed (if a mapping is associated to them).

Note: In this example, the same result can be achieved by setting the propagation depth to 4.