Propagation Scope

Data are linked together by aggregation links or dependency links. To ensure data link consistency, each object must be propagated with a minimal and consistent set of data. This set is called a relative propagation scope.

Link Consistency

Each object must be propagated with a minimal and consistent set of data.

The diagram below gives an example of link consistency:

When running the Propagate or the Propagate as New command, a global propagation scope is computed from an initial object which depends on the propagation mode:

  • Current Editor lets you propagate all the modified objects of the current editor.
  • Selected lets you propagate objects that depend on the object you double-clicked.
  • Session lets you propagate any modified objects in any editors in the current session. Note that any new or modified objects of the current session can still be excluded.

Available Propagation Scopes

The Propagate dialog box lets you choose between three propagation scopes.

In the example below, if you double-click "AJT_Product3":

  • Selecting Current Editor means that all objects open in the editor are included in the propagation scope:

  • Choosing Selected means that only objects dependent on "AJT_Product3" are included in the propagation scope:

  • Selecting Session means that all objects open in the current session whatever their editor (current or not) are included in the propagation scope. In the example below, two new objects are listed: