List of Detected Return Codes

The exhaustive list of return codes that can be detected by the CheckRepresentation batch is provided.

For a full description of each return code, see Table of Detected Return Codes.

Priority Levels

There are three priority levels for return codes.

Level Meaning
(1) Priority One Return Code: cleaning action may lead to data deletion
(2) Priority Two Return Code: cleaning action may lead to data modification (without deletion)
(3) Priority Three Return Code: unimportant error, cleaning action with minor impact on data
(*) The rule is not executed on a document coming from a PDM system (ENOVIAVPM , ENOVIA LCA)

Detected Return Codes

The dectected return codes are listed by category with their code and meaning.

Infrastructure Modeler, Specs Modeler, Object Modeler

Category Code Meaning Cleaner Action
AGG: Aggregation AGG_1 (1) An aggregated object does not know its aggregating object Deletes the aggregation
AGG_2 (2) Ghost links, undeletable view, Copy-Paste failure Updates the aggregation link
CAT: Catalog CAT_0 (2) Feature catalog with no name Deletes the link to this catalog
DOC: Linked document (container root) DOC_6 (3) Applicative containers are lost Adds the empty stream
HIE: Hierarchy HIE_8 (2) None in V5, as other links are expected between the two documents. Therefore File > Desk, File > Send To, Edit > Links... behave as expected Reroutes the offending links within the local reference's structure (internal links)
UPD: Update UPD_0 (2) Update cycle on the object not seen / editable by the customer Unsets the link to itself (i.e. breaks the cyclic dependency)
UPD_2 (2) Update status propagation problem : some data which should not be up-to-date are shown up-to-date Increments the update stamp of the feature

Mechanical Modeler

Category Code Meaning Cleaner Action
BST: Backup Startup BST_1 (3) Backup Startup not declared on CAA mechanical feature Declares the Backup Startup
LIF: Product Lifecycle LIF_1 (1) Size of the part abnormally huge comparatively to the number of elements and unused elements (geometrical feature) are present Deletes unused elements, the part is the same but smaller
LIF_5 (3) Non referenced elements in CATSelSetsCont Deletes the elements
MFT: Shape Features Tools MFT_1 (1) Inactive feature storing the result of the previous feature No more result in the feature
MGN: Mechanical Generic Naming (topology) MGN_6 (1) Size of a part on disk abnormally huge Removes useless Mechanical Modeler data
MGN_7 (2) Some cells of Datum Feature cannot be selected Adds a naming to the cells
MGN_9 (1) CheckRepresentation (LIF_1) deletes publication in the part on non aggregated BRep features Deletes the invalid BRep features and re-plugs the publication on the equivalent BRep Access
MGN_12 (3) Size of the document too big Compresses the Brep feature to minimize the size
MMR: Mechanical Modeler MMR_0 (1) Corruption of the 3 reference planes Restores valid reference planes
MMV MMV_1 (3) Invalid graphic property on the part Deletes the invalid property
MMV_2 (3) Invalid graphic property remains in the model even after removal => Correctly restores the dress-up properties
MMV_3 (3) Wrong attribute values were streamed on the part body of a part created in V5R10 Deletes the wrong attribute names
MTR: Mechanical Tools MTR_0 (2) Tool's result not properly plugged Plugs the result
MTR_2 (2) Shape features not properly plugged Re-plugs the Shape feature
SSS_1: Selection Sets SS1_1 (3) Selective loading on documents that have selection sets containing elements outside their scope can have unexpected behaviors => Non fixable

Geometric Modeler

Category Code Meaning Cleaner Action
FGM: Fat Geometry FGM_1 (3) Size of the part abnormally huge comparatively to the number of elements. Some vertices have unnecessary geometric data (linked curves/surfaces and some surfaces are over defined (unnecessarily extrapolated) Removes the unnecessary geometric data, the part is the same but smaller

Important: If you update the Part, this error may re-appear again (after the cleaning rule).

If non extrapolated elements are finally extrapolated, the shape of extrapolation can be different from the original one: the extrapolated part of the element has been "cleaned", and extrapolation can be different, depending on the algorithm that generates it.


Category Code Meaning Cleaner Action
DAC: Drawing Area Cotation DAC_4 (2) Changing standard by Page Setup causes a reversed Roughness Symbol Restores a correct orientation link
DCT: Container DCT_2 (1) Ghost links appear in SendTo command due to non aggregated feature Deletes the non aggregated feature
DCT_4 (3) Error panel is triggered when opening the document saying that a used font is not available although this font is not used by any annotation Removes the reference to the font from the document
DCT_5 (2) Impossible to use new fonts on dimensions inside the document Removes the unused fonts from the list and adds space in the list if needed
DDI: Dimension DDI_4 (2) Dimension display does not match dimension properties Updates the dimension properties
DDI_11 (2) Dimension text does not use the right font Rebuilts the dimension visualization
DAF: Drawing Area Fill DAF_0 (3) Area Fill without profile Deletes the area
DAF_1 (3) (*) Area Fill not aggregated Deletes the area
DAF_3 (3) Area Fill without pattern Applies a default pattern
DAO DAO_2 (2) Extension line is not visible (or not correctly visible) when creating extension line for roughness Takes into account the view scale for associative position dimensions extension line (overrun)
DDU: Drafting Dress-up DDU_2 (1) Ghost link on a Drawing document Deletes the axis lines, center lines or thread that are directly under the DrwCont container
DTE DTE_2 (2) Text with position link to another text is not up-to-date after canceling text edition of reference, or text leader with position link with a 2D Line is pointed to by another element Updates the position link to get a correct position
PIC: Drawing Picture PIC_0 (3) Non aggregated picture Deletes the picture
PIC_1 (2) When opening Drawing, reframe on is infinite Modifies the picture position value (set at 0;0) and moves it to the No Show space
OLE: OLE object OLE_0 (2) OLE object pointing to invalid drawing Replaces the OLE object by a new one
DFM: Drafting Format DFM_0 (2) When opening a document created with a previous version, the format of some sheets is flipped Computes and sets new values for invalid attributes
DVM: Drawing View MakeUp DVM_0 (2) Unused View MakeUp Deletes the View MakeUp
DWR: Drawing Relation DWR_0 (3) (*) Incoherent relation has been detected Deletes the useless DrwRelation
DWS: Drawing Sheet DWS_0 (2) Views not well organized in a sheet Reorganizes the views
DWS_1 (1) Corrupted sheet Deletes the sheet
DWV: Drawing View DWV_0 (1) Corrupted view (not well aggregated) Deletes the view
DWV_4 (3) Sketch support is in No Show space Puts the sketch support in the Show Space and puts its axis elements in the No Show space
DWV_6 (3) File size for Drawing or Part containing some 2DLayoutData is unexpectedly important Removes the useless geometrical results from the CGM container data
LPR: L01 Product Profile LPR_1 (1) When deleting a specific profile, other Profile2DL are seen as not up-to-date Unsets the "ViewFilter" attribute of View2DL with an external link


Category Code Meaning Cleaner Action
MFG: Manufacturing MFG_0 (1) Machining feature not referenced by an Activity; unused machining feature is not deleted (activities cases) Deletes the unused Machining feature
MFG_1 (1) Pattern Definition not referenced by a Pattern Usage; unused pattern definition is not deleted (pattern cases) Deletes the unused Pattern Definition
MFG_3 (1) Toolpath not referenced by an Activity Deletes the unused Toolpath

Sketcher Modeler

Category Code Meaning Cleaner Action
CRV: Curve CRV_0 (2) End points not found on the curve Adds the missing end points
CRV_1 (3) The update result is not right because the update propagation is wrong. Sets the feature attributes to sp_NEUTRAL instead of sp_IN
SCS: Sketcher Constraint SCS_0 (2) Sketch solving result is not stable. Geometries can move when the user edits a sketch Adds the missing Help parameter to the constraint
IGS: Imported Geometrical Set IGS_0 (3) Invalid phantom operator Deletes the operator
SKS SKS_2 (2) O point, H and V vectors of the absolute axis of the sketch are missing in the specification tree and are not visualized Recreates the missing elements of the absolute axis
SKT: Sketcher SKT_27 (2) Output features are badly aggregated Replaces the outputs under the dedicated node of the sketch they belong to
SMG: SolveManager (Sketch object) SMG_16 (2) Non impacted Solve Manager at update Sets the constraint attribute to neutral


Category Code Meaning Cleaner Action
CST: Constraints CST_2 (2) Attributes quality mismatched Modifies the quality
CST_3 (1) Non valuated mandatory attributes on constraints Deletes the constraints
LIF: Product Lifecycle LIF_3 (3) No visibility except the size of the Product document (constraints deletion cases) Deletes the unused elements; the document is the same but smaller

Part Design

Category Code Meaning Cleaner Action
BOL: Boolean BOL_0 (2) Visualization problems due to Boolean between Solid body (old) and hybrid body (new) Moves the invalid operand body under the part
BOL_1 (2) Visualization problems due to Boolean between two hybrid (new) bodies Moves the invalid operand body under the part
BOL_2 (2) Solid body containing a Boolean feature is not processed when Part to Part data filtering is done Deactivates and reactivates the invalid Boolean feature
CPF: Part Design Feature CPF_0 (3) Size of part abnormally huge comparatively to the number of elements Deletes the unreferenced BREP features
DRF: Draft DRF_0 (3) Faces to draft, fix aggregation of Brep features Removes the Rsur features from the CGMBody to the Part Body
DRF_1 (3) Default pulling direction is not compatible in pull dir object and vector Resets the default pulling direction in the object and the vector
FIL: Fillet FIL_0 (2) When editing a fillet, the following error message is displayed "Internal error in mechanical modeler" Moves the PointOnEdge (FilletRadius object containing it) to the appropriate ribbon
HOL: Hole HOL_0 (1) Rule created on V5R17 level on the Hole's Activity parm does not work correctly Copies the rule set on the invalid activity parameter of the Hole and sets it on the valid activity parameter. Deletes the invalid activity parameter
PAT: Pattern PAT_0 (1) Document cannot be updated Deletes the redundant instances in the Generative Tool of the user pattern
PAT_2 (2) When selecting edge/face of an instance of a Circular Pattern (made of User Pattern), the edge/face of another instance of Circular Pattern is also selected Ignores the confusion point when naming the user pattern's instances. The circular pattern's instances are now correctly named
MIR: Mirror MIR_0 (2) One or many reference elements kept in Generative Tool for mirroring are lost Recreates the reference elements kept in the Generative Tool
THD: Thread THD_0 (3) Link between a design table and the standard reference file is not broken Breaks the link
THD_1 (3) Changing the value of an external parameter does not lead to the update of Thread Description Forces the value change of the external parameter

Functional Molded Part

Category Code Meaning Cleaner Action
FMP: Functional Molded Part FMP_4 (2) Functional feature using a "to-shell" length does not correct the track of the shell Changes the reference to the correct shape
  FMP_5 (2) Functional feature using a "to-shell" length does no correct the shell Changes the reference to the correct shape
  FMP_6 (2) Functional feature using body thickness for it "wall" value is not updated when the body thickness is changed Changes the reference to the correct parameter
  FMP_7 (2) "shell-able" feature does not change "wall" direction when the part's shell properties (wall direction: inward / outward) is changed Changes the reference to the correct parameter
  FMP_9 (2) Impossible to update a part using Force Update and the part is corrupted If necessary, creates a shell property feature with a zero wall thickness

Mechanical Design

Category Code Meaning Cleaner Action
TER: Technological Result TER_0 (2) Update status of the Technological Result node does not change when adding/modifying a feature in the body Re-plugs the invalid TROutput to the last shape feature (or its ResultOut) of the tool in which it has been created


Category Code Meaning Cleaner Action
KWE: Knowledge KWE_1 (1) Knowledge object not aggregated; bad performance when opening a document and an URL points a document through an invalid attribute type Deletes the attribute. If the parameter is pointed to by a relation, adds the object to the parameter set; if the object is a relation, adds it to the relation set

Shape Design and Styling

Category Code Meaning Cleaner Action
GSD: Generative Shape Design GSD_0 (3) Unused aggregated feature Deletes the useless features
GSD_1 (1) Reference planes are set as datum or independent spec Corrects the Visualization Graph attribute, aggregates the moved reference plane in the current OpenBody, and creates a new reference plane
GSD_2 (2) Update a part, but orientation may be inverted Modifies the axis system attribute with respect to the new algorithm


Category Code Meaning Cleaner Action
SHM: Sheet Metal SHM_0 (2) Element with no activity or no value Fixes the activity
SHM_2 (2) Functionality like CutOut, Hole, etc. fail Changes the invalid cylindrical transformation to a valid one