More About the CheckRepresentation Batch

Background information is provided about some of the options used to run the CheckRepresentation batch.

Report Name

Restrictions apply when defining the report name.

  • A string (or the value of a ${VARIABLE}) cannot contain the following characters: * : ? < > | , \\ / ". These characters are ignored when defined in a string.
  • A list of "." characters is automatically replaced by a simple ".". A name cannot contain the string "..".
  • The global report name defined in the startup XML file has priority.

    For instance, if you use this command line: set CHECKREP_GlobalReportName=CHECKREP_GlobalResults_Variable

    and if the CheckRepresentation.xml file contains the tag <ReportName>CHECKREP_GlobalResults_Xml</ReportName>

    then, the global report will be named CHECKREP_GlobalResults_Xml.htm in the report directory.

  • If $VARIABLE is not exported or contains invalid characters, it is partially or totally ignored. Below are three examples.

    1) unset TOTO GlobalReport=Myreport.${TOTO} means that the text editor displays Myreport.

    2) set TOTO=":><|\/" GlobalReport=Myreport.${TOTO} means that the text editor displays Myreport.

    3) set TOTO="a?f" GlobalReport=Myreport.${TOTO} means that the text editor displays

Suffix for Object Report

You can add a string at the end of the report name.

The suffix is composed of two parts:

  • A private section which is .Checker_traces.htm.
  • A public section you can change by entering the string of your choice in the Suffix for object report box.

For instance, if you enter .MyString, then the Suffix for object report box automatically displays Checker_traces.Mystring.htm.

You can change the private string for both Check and Clean operation by exporting the CHECKREP_ObjectReportName_Check and CHECKREP_ObjectReportName_Clean environment variables to the new default private suffix.

You can define your own default public string and the "public versus private string" position by exporting the CHECKREP_ObjectReportNameAttachment environment variable which allows you to:

  • Define the position of the public_string versus the private_string.
  • Define if the strings exported through CHECKREP_ObjectReportName_Check and CHECKREP_ObjectReportName_Clean variables are public or private strings (default). For instance:

    set CHECKREP_ObjectReportNameAttachment=[iLock,iPosition]

Default values are [1,1]. Exported variables are private_string, positioned as a prefix, i.e. private_stringpublic_string.htm. Possible values are:

  • iLock=0,1 (default=1 - CHECKREP_ObjectReportName_Check is a private_string)
  • iPosition=0,1 (default=0 - private_string.public_string)

You can use ${VARIABLE} to valuate the object report's suffix.

Environment Variables

You can export environment variables to run the CheckRepresentation batch.

Variable Use
PLMBATCH_CheckRepresentation_Startup When the batch has been run at least once, lets you prevaluate parameters by specifying the path of the XML file to be used
PLMBATCH_Default_TargetDir Lets you change the default report directory by specifying a valid directory (i.e. an existing directory with write access)
CHECKREP_GlobalReportName Lets you change the default Global Report name by specifying a new default name.
CHECKREP_ObjectReportName_Check Lets you change the default private extension of the object report name (".Checker_traces.") by specifying a new default private suffix
CHECKREP_ObjectReportName_Clean Lets you change the default private extension of the object report name (".Cleaner_traces.") by specifying a new default private suffix
CHECKREP_ObjectReportNameAttachment Lets you define your own default public string and the "public versus private string" position. You can:
  • Define the position of the public_string versus the private_string.
  • Define if the strings exported through CHECKREP_ObjectReportName_Check and CHECKREP_ObjectReportName_Clean variables are public or private strings (default). For instance: set CHECKREP_ObjectReportNameAttachment=[iLock,iPosition]

Default values are [1,1]. Exported variables are private_string, positioned as a prefix, i.e. private_stringpublic_string.htm. Possible values are:

  • iLock=0,1 (default=1 - CHECKREP_ObjectReportName_Check is a private_string)
  • iPosition=0,1 (default=0 - private_string.public_string)

Note: In addition to this, you can use ${VARIABLE} to valuate any CheckRepresentation environment variable.