Production system Modeler Description & Customization

Technical Article

This article presents the Mfg System or Operation modeler, and explains how to customize it.


This section first presents the objects representing the  ProductionSystem modeler. Then it describes how this object model view has been translated towards PLM objects based on PLM Core Modeler objects. You will see the description of each PLM package defining these PLM objects.

Conceptual Model

The Mfg System or Operation model is based on

This is summarized in the following UML schema:

Implementation Model

Mfg System or Operation is implemented through one modeler PLM class package of the same name. The Product package, like any PLM package, consists in PLM Classes enriching the PLM Core Classes.

Mfg Systems or Operations

Mfg Systems or Operations specialize the PLM Core modeler by adding PLM attributes and semantics.

" XXX " may be replace by any types of systems or operations.


PLM Core Class Specialized as
PLMCoreReference DELLmiGeneralSystemReference
PLMCoreReference DELLmiStorageSystemReference
PLMCoreReference DELLmiTransferOperationReference
PLMCoreReference DELLmiTransformationSystemReference
PLMCoreReference DELLmiGeneralOperationReference
PLMCoreReference DELLmiBufferOperationReference
PLMCoreReference DELLmiCurveOperationReference
PLMCoreReference DELLmiLoadingOperationReference
PLMCoreReference DELLmiPunctualOperationReference
PLMCoreReference DELLmiRemoveMaterialOperationReference
PLMCoreReference DELLmiSinkOperationReference
PLMCoreReference DELLmiTransferOperationReference
PLMCoreReference DELLmiUnloadingOperationReference
PLMCoreReference DELLmiSourceOperationReference
PLMCoreInstance DELLmiGeneralSystemInstance
PLMCoreInstance DELLmiStorageSystemInstance
PLMCoreInstance DELLmiTransferOperationInstance
PLMCoreInstance DELLmiTransformationSystemInstance
PLMCoreInstance DELLmiGeneralOperationInstance
PLMCoreInstance DELLmiBufferOperationInstance
PLMCoreInstance DELLmiCurveOperationInstance
PLMCoreInstance DELLmiLoadingOperationInstance
PLMCoreInstance DELLmiPunctualOperationInstance
PLMCoreInstance DELLmiRemoveMaterialOperationInstance
PLMCoreInstance DELLmiSinkOperationInstance
PLMCoreInstance DELLmiTransferOperationInstance
PLMCoreInstance DELLmiUnloadingOperationInstance
PLMCoreInstance DELLmiSourceOperationInstance
PLMPort DELLmiProdSystemIOPort
PLMConnection DELLmiTimeConstraintCnx
PLMConnection DELLmiMaterialPathCnx


Refer to the modeler PLM package documentation [1] for a complete view of its contents included 3DXML support.


Customization first deals with the modeler PLM package customization [2]. It consists in to create a new package containing new PLM classes for each  "Customizable"  PLM class of  the modeler PLM package. Then, you should take into account the UI masks creation to create either a new security mask file, or to update the default one [3].

PLM Package Customization

This part consist in to create a new package when the modeler PLM package must be customized.

Mfg System or Operation

Mfg System or Operation must be customized.

PLM Class Name To Be Customized
DELLmiGeneralSystemReference YES
DELLmiStorageSystemReference YES
DELLmiTransferOperationReference YES
DELLmiTransformationSystemReference YES
DELLmiGeneralOperationReference YES
DELLmiBufferOperationReference YES
DELLmiCurveOperationReference YES
DELLmiLoadingOperationReference YES
DELLmiPunctualOperationReference YES
DELLmiRemoveMaterialOperationReference YES
DELLmiSinkOperationReference YES
DELLmiTransferOperationReference YES
DELLmiUnloadingOperationReference YES
DELLmiSourceOperationReference YES
DELLmiGeneralSystemInstance YES
DELLmiStorageSystemInstance YES
DELLmiTransferOperationInstance YES
DELLmiTransformationSystemInstance YES
DELLmiGeneralOperationInstance YES
DELLmiBufferOperationInstance YES
DELLmiCurveOperationInstance YES
DELLmiLoadingOperationInstance YES
DELLmiPunctualOperationInstance YES
DELLmiRemoveMaterialOperationInstance YES
DELLmiSinkOperationInstance YES
DELLmiTransferOperationInstance YES
DELLmiUnloadingOperationInstance YES
DELLmiSourceOperationInstance YES
DELLmiProdSystemIOPort NO
DELLmiTimeConstraintCnx NO
DELLmiMaterialPathCnx NO

UI Mask Customization

When a PLM attribute is defined (inside modeler PLM package) some features like its editability criteria, mandatory /optonal option, can be overwriten by UI  mask. You can say this PLM attribute is not writable in Query context, this PLM attribute is mandatory in Create context, this user PLM attribute is not never visible and so one. A set of UI masks form a security mask file. We say security mask because it is associated with these files security information. For a people, and a given context can be associated a security mask.

For each customized Modeler PLM package, at least one UI mask file must be created (for the default security mask ), since it must contain the new PLM Attributes. When you use the tool to create a customization, a default UI mask file is provided taken into account the added PLM attributes. You can modify  the default file to introduce your change.

If you want create a new security mask file, you should provide a UI mask for all the "AsIs" modeler PLM packages and for each customization of the "Customizable"  modeler PLM package. 

Rules to respect for a new UI mask creation

No specific rule to customize UI mask file.


[2] Modeler PLM Package Concepts and Customization Principles
[3] UI Mask Concepts and Customization Principles
[4] Business Logic Concepts and Customization Principles


Version: 1 [Oct 2008] Document created