Business Logic Openness Infrastructure Reference

Quick Reference


This article describes the generic Business Logic Openness (BLO) provided in V6 architecture and valid for any PLM component.

Some concepts explained here require knowledge of the V6 architecture and the manner in which attributes and types are declared. These concepts are explained in topic PLM Concepts.

In addition, a knowledge of how to design Rules is also required. These concepts are explained in the PLM Customization by Rules.

Definition of Business Logic Openness:

A set of PLM Opening ID listed below is available to be implemented in addition to ENOVIA Data Model Customizer (DMC).

It enables the administrator to integrate enterprise policy by associating business rule scripting to the customized PLM Components.

Business logic implementations need sometimes to rely on a non persistent object called PLM Proxy that mimics a PLM component and that will be used in Business rules.

This is the case for PLM New related business logics or PLM Import business logic. In this context, knowledge accessors valid for PLM Component are not available on PLM Proxy.

Reference to Business Logic Openness:

Several workflows invoke available business logic openness (e.g. Data Import, UI commands, CAA APIs, etc). Please refer to dedicated product documentation to precisely know the list of referenced PLM Opening ID.

Notice: Each application may also provide additional business logic openness of the trade. For such a case, please refer to dedicated documentation.

PLM Opening ID Description Behavior
Creation purpose
PLMIdentificationInitialization Creation step: allows integrating customer naming policy for PLM public attribute initialization. Execution
PLMInstanceAggregationCheck Instantiation step: allows integrating validation rules when instantiating a PLM component under a PLM Reference. Validation
PLMPortAggregationCheck Creation step: allows integrating validation rules when creating a Port under a PLM Reference. Validation
PLMAuthoringDefaultPropagationScope Clone step: allows integrating propagation rules when executing duplication advanced on PLM Reference. Computation
PLMRelationshipEstablishmentCheck Creation step: allows to validate that the relations you want to establish between objects is compliant with corporate rules. Validation
Data management purpose
PLMImportExportAttributesValuation Import/Export step: either Data Base or file.
allows valuating PLM public attributes
Export: allows mapping of PLM public attributes.
PLMCustoTypeMapping Coexistence step: allows mapping of customization types between a source and a target
PLMAttributesMapping Coexistence step: allows mapping of attributes between a source and a target
Properties purpose
PLMAttributesValuationCheck Properties edition step: allows integrating validation rules when editing PLM components. Validation
PLMAttributesPropagation Properties edition step: allows integrating computation rules when editing PLM components (e.g. Valuate attributes from another one) Execution
PLMAttributesFinalization Properties edition step: allows validation of the PLM attributes valuation consistency before commit. Validation