Interference Simulation Definition Dialog Box

The Interference Simulation Definition dialog box appears when you select Create interference Simulation command in Interference toolbar of Assembly Design workbench.

This dialog box contains controls for:



You can enter a unique name for interference simulation. If the name entered has already been used, a warning box will appear to advise you to try a different name.

Enter the description of the simulation you are performing.


The Context tab contains the following options:

Context product name

By default, the root product name is selected.

Inside Group1
You can use Inside Group1 option to define the interference simulation between the parts or products belonging to one group. You can select one or more products within a group. When this option is selected, you cannot select a second group.

When you apply engineering connection specifications, the interference is detected between the parts of the selected group.

Group1 against group2
You can use Group1 against group2 option to define the interference simulation between the parts or products belonging to two different groups. You can select one or more products within each group.

When you apply engineering connection specifications, the interference is detected between the parts of the group1 and group2.

Group1 against context
You can use Group1 against context option to define the interference simulation between the selected parts or products against the remaining parts and products in the assembly context. You can select one or more products within a selected group. When this option is selected, you cannot select a second group.

When you apply engineering connection specifications, the interference is detected between the parts of the group1 and parts belonging to rest of the context.


Standard Specification
Clash and contact

By default, this option is selected.

Computes clearance during simulation.
Clearance Value
Specify the minimum clearance value.
Activate Engineering connection specification
By activating this, the specifications for simulating the interference are taken from the Engineering Connection interference check options.
Check No Clash
An interference result is generated only if the clashes are identified.
Check Contact
An interference result is generated only if the contact are identified.
Check Clearance
An interference result is generated only if the clearance between two component is less that the specified minimum clearance.
No Check
No interference result is generated.
Compute quantifier
Computes and store the clearance minimal distance. This value will appear in the interference simulation result, in the Quantifier column.

Note: This option reduces the simulation speed.

Recompute only modified interferences
Reuses existing interference simulation results when updating the interference simulation.

Note: Results are reused only when recomputing the same interference simulation.


Launch computation now

By default, this option is selected. If this option is selected, the interference computation is launched when you click OK in the dialog box.