Automotive BiW Fastening File-based Design Import

The File-Based Design Import product translates documents from V5 to V6. Not all material entities created in V5 can be imported in V6. This topic provides information on how Automotive Body in White features are migrated in this release.

Version 5 Version 6
Joint Bodies Fastener Sets
Joint Bodies NOT imported, but transformed into fastener sets.
Containing fasteners of the same technological type (that is same Feature Type, Process Category or Process Type) Imported, but as the new elements with V5 attributes do not match the V6 attributes, these attributes can only be browsed (they cannot be modified and fields are grayed out in the Fastener Set Definition dialog box).


  • in the Process Category drop-down list, choose another attribute in order to transform the invalid fastener category into a valid one and enable the modification of fasteners, or
  • modify the Fst_Standard Customization file and add the V5 fastener type.
Containing fasteners of different technological types NOT imported, the migration is interrupted and an error message is issued.Workaround: in V5, create one or more joint bodies for each type and move fasteners of identical types into them.
With an invalid zone (i.e. zone links are broken because the zone is linked to a deleted publication) or a link between a zone and an element that cannot be created Imported, but the zone link has to be manually recreated.
Containing a fastener type that does not exist in V6 NOT imported.
Spot Projection fasteners NOT imported, but transformed into spot weld fasteners whose Process Type is set to "Projection Weld".
CurveBead fasteners NOT imported, and a warning message is issued. During the migration, curvebead fasteners are deleted and an empty fastener set is created with a default Process Category set as "Weld".
Parametric fasteners Imported, but a warning message is issued.During the migration, parametric fasteners are isolated to transform them into explicit fasteners.
Explicit fasteners Imported

Note: For more information, refer to Importing Application Files from Previous Versions (File- Based Design Import in File-Based Design Import User's Guide.